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Viagra online kaufen empfehlung sgesetz [online pharmacy], which prescribes a lower dosage than the German national prescription drug law, allows patients to get an extra four tablets per year without a prescription. According to the drug regulation authorities in Germany, this loophole was used more than 50,000 times since 1 January 2003. The pharmaceutical industry was concerned over the problem of excess prescription drug use but saw little solution to the problem.
'For instance, we are aware that the 'extra medication' procedure is used about 10,000 times per year in Germany, and that since the procedure was introduced in 2003, it has been used more than 50,000 times,' Sildenafil generico orodispersibile said Robert Fettweis, a spokesperson for the German pharmaceutical association.
Germany has no prescription drug approval system. Consequently, companies don't have to register the drugs they sell. This leaves them relatively free to overprescribe medication that does not need medical treatment with relatively inexpensive medicines.
'This was the main reason why companies like Pfizer and Johnson & lobbied against the introduction of more regulations in the prescription drug regulation regime,' said Mr. Fettweis.
Under the government's new regulation, prescriptions will have to be made on a written prescription based medical reports and laboratory tests performed by a medical professional. Furthermore, the prescriptions will have to be obtained from an office registered for such prescriptions by a physician who is registered in a medical register Germany.
According to the Pharmaceutical Association, system will not only enable the proper documentation of medicines, but will also cut down considerably on the number of medicines dispensed.
Germany is the third largest European market for pharmaceutical products worldwide, with sales of €53.7 billion last year, according to the European Medicines Agency. German drugmakers have been among this top 10 list for several years.
The current medical records regulations as implemented in Germany will be effective from January 1, 2008. If successfully implemented by other European countries, it would be a long-awaited reform of the medical records law. European Commission has recently set up a task force to propose solution and is expected to publish its latest decision by September this year.
In June 2004, the European Commission issued recommendations in favour of changes to the German health-and safety legislation, notably concerning the medical records system. Commission recommended that the German medical records system should allow for electronically-controlled access, on demand, of medical notes (dienststetze), written reports, and laboratory tests.
The following year, European Council approved the recommendations and set up expert group for the reform of medical records system. To this end, the Commission has proposed to establish an e-medical records system based on electronic databases, canada pharmacy coupons with the aim to allow access medical records by patients and professionals in a timely manner.
During the last few years European Medicines Agency has been working on the proposal to revise European Union's framework on medical records in view of new requirements for the adoption of e-medical records, and to improve the documentation standards for substances.
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