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Generic cost of zoloft for 12 weeks), with subsequent increases in doses up to 1 month later, and the drug is considered to be as effective at reducing depression a placebo.[2][3] meta-analysis of trials in adults found that zoloft led to significant reductions in depression scores at 12 weeks, although it does not appear to have a therapeutic advantage over placebo. The meta-analysis also found that zoloft did not have a substantial influence on the rate of relapse from depression.[4] In a placebo-controlled crossover trial of depressed adults hospitalized at the New York University Langone Center, 52.2% of the zoloft-treated participants achieved remission, with the average difference between placebo group and zoloft being 5.9 points. Zoloft is classified as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), and is the most widely used antidepressant in the United States. Clinical studies often show a significant benefit over placebo in depression. Precautions and complications [ edit ] Anxiety: Zoloft is most commonly associated with anxiety and sleep disturbances when administered to pregnant women treat major depressive disorder or postpartum anxiety syndrome (PPD). It has been linked to withdrawal-like symptoms following discontinuation.[5] Nervous system disorders: Zoloft is sometimes associated with seizures and other nervous system disorders. [4][5] It is also associated with hyperpyrexia (increased pressure in the blood) while taking Zyprexa or similar antidepressants. Zoloft is sometimes also associated with seizure activity during withdrawal from SSRIs, particularly tricyclic antidepressants.[5] Other reactions: Zoloft may cause migraines, gastrointestinal ulcers, liver damage, and some skin reactions.[2] Psychiatric disorders: It has been associated with disturbances in mental status, aggression, and suicidal behavior, especially with higher doses. It may also cause psychotic symptoms such as hearing voices and a sense of impending doom.[5] Interactions with other drugs [ edit ] An increased risk of suicidal ideation and behavior was observed in a randomized controlled trial of zoloft treatment depressed adults hospitalized for depression, when compared to placebo.[4][6] This study did not evaluate whether these changes occurred before or after the discontinuation of zoloft. The use of alcohol and benzodiazepines, such as Xanax or Valium, may increase the risk of suicidal behavior in patients taking zoloft. [6] When zoloft is combined with other antidepressants, the risk of suicidal ideation appears to be higher.[7][8] Risk of suicidal behavior is greater in patients who took zoloft more than 1 month (compared to patients who took zoloft less than 1 month) and did not have an initial mood episode, compared to those who took zoloft less than 1 month, but had never a mood episode prior to starting zoloft. The risk was higher in those who experienced depressive symptoms prior to starting zoloft. Zoloft may increase the risk of suicidal ideation and behavior in individuals who are taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants (such as fluoxetine).[9][10] This risk is not present in patients taking monoamine re-uptake inhibitors (MRIs), such as fluoxetine. Use of other antidepressant drugs that increase serotonin metabolism may also this risk. Patients with severe depressive illness may be especially at risk of this because genetic polymorphisms that increase serotonin transporter binding or expression.[citation needed] Abbvie recommends that patients who have thoughts of suicide, plan or are considering making a suicide plan discontinue all antidepressant medications, including zoloft, unless under medical supervision. In addition, patients must check with their medical providers prior to discontinuing antidepressant medication due a suicide risk. Abbvie will evaluate patient safety during this time period. Antabuse, an outpatient clinic near Chicago, Illinois, reports a 20.5 percent increase in suicidal behavior patients taking the antidepressant tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), particularly which are tricyclic antidepressants that have been shown to increase the risk for developing suicidal ideation.[11] It states that although tricyclic antidepressants were associated with an increased suicidal behavior risk, that patients who had suicidal ideation were also more likely to have suicidal behavior, and therefore their rates of suicidal behavior is actually higher. Although antidepressants may cause agitation, the rate of actual suicidal behavior with TCAs is low.[11] Other interactions [ edit ] Abbvie states that patients who may be at a higher risk for having suicidal ideations but did not have an initial episode cost of generic zoloft without insurance may also have increased suicidal ideation, so it advised them to take additional precautions when taking Zoloft.[12] This may include avoiding alcohol and alcohol-related situations, using stimulants.
